
I was getting used to my mostly-couch routine, and the babies seemed to be hanging in there. Then yesterday I suddenly felt as if something was weird, and then there was a big gush of fluid. More fluid when I got to the bathroom, and even more.
We went to L&D, who confirmed that my membranes had indeed ruptured, and saw that baby A had very little fluid. We had hoped that they’d be able to save at least one baby, but apparently that’s really difficult – the main risk now is infection, both for the babies and for me. At 20 weeks, they’re much too young to survive. The options we were presented are “expectant management”, also known as wait-and-see, and termination. Gulp. We certainly weren’t able to chose the latter, not after all these steps it took to get here.
They offered to keep me in for the night for observation, but H said he’d much rather have me home with him, unless there was a risk. Hospital germs tend to be worse than homegrown ones, so they don’t want me to stay for long anyway. My cervix was still at 1.5cm, and no contractions, so it didn’t seem as if labor was imminent. After being explained the risks three times over, we went home and cried. I have never seen my husband cry like this. That alone was heartbreaking.
The good news is that I haven’t had any more leaking or gushing of fluid since coming home. Resealing of membranes is rare, but possible. My cervix went into mucus overproduction mode, which I hope also is a good sign – maybe it is trying to regenerate the mucus plug?
Basically we now need a miracle: no infection, no contractions, resealed membranes and refilling fluid. We have an ultrasound tomorrow to see how things are going. If you have good thoughts to spare for us, or stories from other PPROM survivors, please share.

14 thoughts on “ruptured

  1. Oh sweetheart. Oh no. I’m sorry this is happening. I can’t find the right words. I just wish for an outlook much more positive for you and your babies right now. But like you said, miracles are possible, and membranes reseal sometimes.
    I am holding you, your husbands and your beautiful babies in my heart and thoughts.

  2. Oh, no!! I am so sorry to be reading this and am thinking positive, optimistic, membrane-sealing thoughts for you. I know that I have read some success stories of babies staying put for a while after PPROM so I will now go in search of those blogs for you.

    Sending you SO MANY hugs and good thoughts and just… every hope and wish that things turn out okay.

  3. Oh hun, I am so sorry to hear. I know I was on bedrest with a few women with PROM that were on IV fluids, antibiotics and strict bedrest (like with a bed pan). I don’t recall their gestations though. Many prayers for you and the babies. And prayers for clarity to you and your husband to handle making the tough decisions right now.

  4. Popping over from Lost and Found to send you positive thoughts and say how sorry I am you’re having such a hard time. Like No Baby Ruth, I’ve read many positive stories about PPROM – there was one here recently in the UK press who spent several weeks tipped up in bed and made it to the point where the baby was viable.

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