#MicroblogMondays: small heartbreaks

The nanny telling us that SB is “always a little sad” after we’ve left. 

Coming to pick up SB and she’s tired in my arms but beams at the nanny. 

Being home and SB is not. In the beginning I had a really hard time with this, probably a reminder of how quiet the house was after we came back from the hospital without A&C. It’s better now. 

Recently I had to work late and H was processing photos while watching SB – who burst into tears upon seeing a picture of me. 

12 thoughts on “#MicroblogMondays: small heartbreaks

  1. I’ve found that motherhood has beat up my self-esteem–I’m constantly judging myself and wondering if I’m doing the right thing. Sounds like you’ve had your moments, too. So I’ll remind you that you’re doing a great job because your daughter is healthy and happy <3 XOXO

  2. Separation is heartbreaking. It’s the divide between your mind KNOWING you will see your baby in a reasonable amount of hours, and your body SCREAMING not to leave her. I would like to say it gets better (and it does in some small ways) but for the most part, it’s still difficult for us.
    Sending warm hugs, lovely woman.

  3. I still feel that way whenever the twins sleep out of the house. I’ve grown accustomed to the quiet during the day (though it’s always hard after a break), but I can’t get over it when I sleep away from them.

  4. No matter what choice we make, there’s always some kind of sacrifice! It sounds like you and SB are doing wonderfully…but I know, so adorable, so hard to be away.

  5. It’s so hard to be away from our kids but it’s good for both of you. It’s a great thing that SB loves her nanny- but don’t worry- you can never be replaced!

    1. Thanks for the reminder! My in-laws visited recently and wanted to take care of SB – she didn’t really agree though, and only calmed down once I arrived. It’s quite humbling, in a way, to be so important for a person.

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