37 thoughts on “Wordless

  1. Stopping by from LFCA. I’m so sorry for your loss. My heart aches for you. Your babies are beautiful. Please take care of yourself and know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Big hugs.

  2. Here from LFCA. I am so very sorry for your losses. I wish that I could fix this for you – no mother should lose her children. Sending a giant hug.

  3. I am so terribly heartbroken for you, friend. I was out of town this weekend and checking in from my phone; I could barely believe what I was reading. After all that you have been through and fought through to get your babies it simply isn’t fair that you had to meet them far far far too soon. They are beautiful. I am thinking of you and your babies and H. Many hugs. Many many many.

  4. I can’t find the right words to express my sympathy, but I’ll try. Dear woman, your beautiful babies were and are loved beyond measure. I am so sorry that they did not live. They are so precious, both of them.
    I hold you and your husband in my thoughts. I hope that you can hold on to yourselves and each other at this time.

  5. Oh, sweetie, your gorgeous angels are so loved. I have no words that will ever be enough. All I can say is I’m thinking of you and your precious, tiny family today.

  6. (Here via LFCA.) I am so very sorry. I wish there were anything any of us could do to help make it hurt even a tiny bit less, but I know that isn’t really the case. May you be surrounded by love in the midst of this impossibility. Thinking of you and abiding with you.

  7. I look at their sweet faces and see all the years of joy you should have shared together and my heart breaks into a million pieces for you. I am so very sorry your perfect babies couldn’t stay.

  8. I am so incredibly sorry. They are beautiful and perfect. My prayers and thoughts are with you and your entire family.

  9. They are so beautiful.

    (Came from Augusta’s blog. Since I don’t know you, it seems inadequate for me to say I’m sorry for your lost. But so I say instead what I know I can say with sincerity: they’re beautiful.)

  10. I am so so sorry. Thank you for sharing your precious babies with us, during this unspeakably sad time. I’m so sorry this happened, because no Mama should ever have to experience this.

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